Thursday, October 31, 2019
Religion and Faith in Literature Research Paper - 1
Religion and Faith in Literature - Research Paper Example Telling lies has become such a common practice today that sometimes people don’t even realize that they are deceiving their closed ones. People even lie to their parents and children, without even feeling the guilt, as an everyday act. Ericsson in his work â€Å"The Way We Lie†has classified the art of lying into various facets, such as a white lie, deflecting, omission, groupthink and etc. The culture and religion, that an individual belongs to, play a significant role in determining the code of ethics in the life of that person. Precisely speaking there is no culture or religion on earth that accentuates the telling of lies. In the Holy Bible alone, one can come across several stories where subjects lied not only to people but to God too by disobeying His commandments and paid the price. The stories and the incidents mentioned and discussed in the Bible forms the basis of religion in Christianity. These stories help us understand how it is to be a person that is loved by God and that loves God and what are the commandments of God that one has to follow during the course of life. The story about Adam and Eve in Genesis 3, for example, teaches us a great lesson regarding how one should obey the commandments of God and that what could happen if God becomes angry in case one commits some act that is disliked by God. Similarly all the stories mentioned in the Holy Bible a re basically aimed at defining the way how life should be lived in accordance with the will of God. Every story has morale and a message, sometimes explicit and sometimes hidden. It depends upon the reader what he gets out of it. Similar is the case with Rehoboam and Jeroboam story. Rehoboam and Jeroboam are the two men that were chosen by God to rule over Israel after Solomon and David. Rehoboam was the son of Solomon and grandson of David. Solomon was the king of the nation and Rehoboam was the natural heir to the throne. One day God sent messenger Ahijah
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Pitfalls Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Pitfalls - Essay Example This primarily happens due to the selection of wrong statistical methods or wrong size of survey population or both. It is highly expensive to select a large survey population and conduct interviews/form fill-ups extensively. So samples are smaller than the target population. However, sophisticated methods like purposive sampling may help, but still it is important to accommodate as many respondents as possible in a given survey population. 2. Making conclusions from non random samples too can prove to be a dangerous tendency. Samples must me random. Suppose, a woolen garment manufacturer conducts a survey only in the colder countries of northern Europe. In this way, they will calculate high demands existing in the global market, if they don’t randomize. In order to randomize, they will have to interview customers in temperate regions (e.g. southern Europe) and arid regions (e.g. Sub Saharan Africa). Then only a realistic view of market demand for woolen garments can be obtained. Hence, randomization is necessary to prevent biasing, especially in the case we need globally applicable inferences. 3. Attaching importance to rare observations is a clever strategy but risky practice. If rare observations are given as much importance as random observations, general behavior of the majority of the target population may be interpreted wrongly. It is a far better idea to mark rare observations as exceptions so that they can be studied separately by the means of statistical segregation in a more controlled business environment. 4. Using poor survey methods is the worse mistake. Survey methods are crucial. For example, when research involves exploration of natural resources, data has to be collected with the help of researchers who have trekking/exploration/fieldwork expertise. In the case of intellectual property research, we would need researchers who can research on databases and patent archives. That will involve extensive Internet/library research expertise. In
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Virgin And The Gypsy, D.H. Lawrence
The Virgin And The Gypsy, D.H. Lawrence The novel The Virgin and the Gypsy was found in France after David Herbert Lawrences death in 1930. Immediately recognized as a masterpiece in which Lawrence had distilled and purified his ideas about sexuality and morality, The Virgin and the Gypsy has become a classic and is one of Lawrences most electrifying short novels. It has been published as it was found, which was probably incomplete. The story has some rough edges that undoubtedly would have been smoothed with more rewriting. The book raises interesting questions about what love, proper behavior, and life are all about. In this book, Lawrence is in usual top form in describing the longing of a young girl, a virgin, for the slightly unconventional. Her vision of her future being a stayed and commonplace marriage to one of the local boys of character and money, she longs for something else before that fate befalls her. She does find that love, very much by accident. She comes across a Gypsy and she falls deeply and viscerally in love with him. Yet, she is coy and she is proper about it. Although she badly wishes to be with him, she understands the potential scandal of such a union. Her father being one that is a non-believer, despite his position as the rector; she sees his revulsion for those things of the body. The rectors wife had left him for an impoverished boy. She sought something the rector just could not provide to her. Even though she was his everything, he was not able to make her feel the love she wished deeply even to her bones. Her daughter too felt that there was more than just the future she envisioned. She felt that it was not a matter that could be ignored. It was a matter that had to be satisfied and soon. But how to do so, without being seen as a prostitute by her own family; that was the mystery and the beauty of the book. Finally, amongst a great flood and terror that is more frightful than can be imagined, she finds herself with the Gypsy in her own bedroom, safe from the outside world of people because of the isolation and protection afforded by an unanticipated flood. Here she makes the passionate love to him that she had heretofore only dreamed about. Here she becomes a woman, and becomes a lover at the same time. As always, Lawrence fills the text with serious metaphor and memory. He uses symbolism, systematically revealing the undercurrents of his characters huge love and anticipation with thinly veiled double entendres and images. This book is specifically recommended for Lawrence readers, but in addition, the book is highly recommended to those seeking love and those fulfilled in love. The gypsy represents her free-born will, which separates her from the rest of the Saywells. He is an outsider, on an old, old war-path against such as herself . . . Yes, if she belonged to any side, and to any clan, it was to his. Under the influence of the absent mother, an adulterous couple she encounters, and the defiant gypsy who endures in opposition, Yvette is forced into a confrontation with her sneering father-a confrontation that brings out his hidden evil and self-righteousness. Both The Virgin and the Gypsy and That Evening Sun deal with characters who are social outsiders living under social restrictions. The Virgin and the Gypsy is a picture of the social climate in England. Characters like Cynthia, the Eastwoods and the gipsies are affected by social snobbery. That Evening Sun is the portrayal of Nancy, a black woman, who struggles against racism. The outsiders from these selections are physically, emotionally, and socially isolated. Social isolation affects the characters in The Virgin and the Gypsy and That Evening Sun. Nancy experiences social rejection from both society and from the family she works for. She is discriminated for being black and is shown no respect in society. There is also the factor of generational prejudice in the family Nancy works for. The mother is passing on their racial prejudice to their children who will carry on a racist attitude forever. The children uses phrases like scairder than niggers(199) as an insult conveying their disrespect of the black culture. The gipsies are isolated from society because they are different. They lead a different lifestyle and act as individuals. Society describes gipsies as pagan pariahs(36), non-Christians and outcasts. Restrictions are placed on people like the gipsies that create a social scale and rank people accordingly. This novel is very intriguing and teaches lessons of morality, religion, and of life and death intended for those with imagination and insight. The authors style contributes deeply to the intrigue and true meaning to this novel. The authors use of imagery makes tensions in the story vivid and emphatic. In this story there is a re-occurring tension between religion and desire. The tension between religion and desire is most clearly demonstrated between the characters of Yvette and the rector. Yvette was brought up in a world of religious conventions and beliefs, an environment of forgiveness, love, and morality. This world is later realized to truly be a world of repression towards all feelings of passion and desire; not the environment of forgiveness, love, and morality Yvette and the readers are lead to believe. This starts the conflict between religion and desire, and confuses Yvette greatly because her religious upbringing denies and contradicts all her natural instincts of love, passion, and sexuality. The rector and Yvette do not share the same understanding of love. They are both very different in their thoughts and ex pressions, of what love is. The narrator in the story tells us what the rector thinks of Cynthia, his lost wife. He describes her as the pure white snow-flower (p.6) and expresses that her husband thought of her on inaccessible heightsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that she was throned in lone splendor aloft their lives, never to be touched (p.7) This would have the reader believe that Cynthia is considered in the rectors eyes to be like god not bodily in his life. At another point in the novel the narrator informs the reader that the rector believes Cynthia to be sacred and that she was enshrined in his heart, as if she were a religious idol, never simply expressing any love or desire for his lost wife. Its like the rector has moral religious love for his lost wife, and not passion or desire, like
Friday, October 25, 2019
Characteristics of Becker in the Film M :: Films Movies M Becker Essays
Characteristics of Becker in the Film M The character of Becker in the film "M" had many childlike qualities, which drew in his victims. These qualities that Becker possessed, he exploited to his own gain. The children immediately gave him their trust because of his ability to relate to them, and he knew that. But I really don't think this was really an alter ego, because he seemed to have these traits all the time. Inside he was really a sick man, to kill there has to be something wrong with him, epically to kill small children, and furthermore little girls. Becker knew how to dram them in. He bought them balloons, and whistled. He bought them fruit, and candy, and openly ate on the street with them. Something that was, "against the norm", for grownups to do. He chatted them up, and they even felt comfortable enough to call him uncle. Becker when confronted reverted back to childhood, acting like he didn't know right from wrong. The way he explained it he was like a kid in a candy store, the girls were tempting him, and the only thing he could do was snatch them up. They preserved his youth. This isn't an uncommon thing to do. Epically with mass murders, they have to make their victims feel comfortable enough to go with them. In the case of John Wayne Gasey, he preformed as a clown and acted like a perfectly nice gentleman when luring his victims. People trusted them, especially their victims, or they never would have been killed in the first place. The element of trust and relating with the prey is apparently crucial in gathering up victims. In the case of Hiltler, he had the whole of Germany under his spell, and that is how no one questioned his tactics. He was a very forceful speaker and people trusted him, and they believed in his ideas for a utopia. If no one trusted his, the war wouldn't have been as devastating and the jews would have left Germany far before they were ever marked as pariahs. Becker had to be trusted or his ploys would have never been carried out. He had to be crafty in his manner and nice enough to keep the children calm. So nobody would suspect what his motives were.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Process Of Training and Development Company Essay
The training process is to provide the means to enable learning. Which should try to guide learning experiences into positive and beneficial and complement and reinforce them with planned activities for individuals at all levels of the company to acquire knowledge more quickly and develop those attitudes and skills that benefit themselves themselves and the company. The training covers a programmed sequence of events that can be expressed as a continuous process whose cycle is renewed each time it is repeated. The steps of the training process are a model of open system whose components are: – Inputs (Inputs) -. Individuals in training, business resources, information, skills, etc.. – Processing or operation -. Individual learning process, training program, etc.. – Outputs (Outputs) -. Enabled Personal, organizational effectiveness or success, etc.. – Feedback (feedback) -. Evaluation of procedures and training results through informal means or systematic research. Training Process: is a cyclic and continuous process consisting of four stages. 1) Diagnosis: inventory of training needs to be met. These needs can be past, present or future. 2) Design: development of a training program to meet the needs diagnosed. 3) Implementation: implementation and conduct of the training program. 4) Evaluation: verification of training results. 1. Diagnosis of training needs and training. Means needs assessment process by which it is to coordinate the structuring, development of plans and different programs to use to establish and strengthen equally the knowledge and skills of the members of a organization, this is done with the sole purpose of completing the objectives it has set the organization. At the time of the preparation of a report diagnosing training needs, it is necessary to consider why the person or group that will train and especially when this training was made. As a main rule a diagnosis of training needs is accomplished when the following cases occur: – Problems that occur within the organization. – Deviations in productivity. – Changes in regards to culture, politics, methods and techniques. – Lower or promotion of staff. – Changes of tasks or jobs and / or charges. Three. Announcements Press on training and training.  4 Designing training plan and training: The training is vocational education that fits man for a position or function within an organization. And the training is an educational process of strategic organized and applied systemically, through which people acquire or develop specific knowledge and skills related to work. The training follows the following objectives: †¢ Analyze and solve problems †¢ Work productively in teams †¢ Scroll from post to post Develop a training program or course involves the generation of documents and materials that will be used in the course for trainers and participants during the course delivery in accordance with the design. To proceed with the restructuring plan and training programs depends on the ability of the organization to identify training needs. The design of the training should focus on four issues 1) intruccionales Objectives: Describe the skills or knowledge to be acquired and the attitudes will change. 2) Provision of trained and motivation: Participants must recognize the need to acquire new knowledge or skills, keeping the desire to learn. 3) Principles of learning: are the characteristics of training programs that help employees understand the new material to apply. 4) Characteristics of Instructors: Teaching Skills and responsibility to lead. After employees have completed their training programs should evaluate the program to see if the objective was met, seeking to develop skills i n people to be more productive, creative and innovative, they can better contribute to organizational objectives and are increasingly valuable. That is why we are looking to achieve the objectives of a training plan, and among them this: †¢ Productivity: The training helps employees to increase their efficiency and performance. †¢ Quality: The plans properly designed and implemented training contribute to raising the quality of the production workforce. When workers are better informed about the duties and responsibilities. †¢ Health and Safety: Mental health and physical safety of an employee are directly related to the training efforts of an organization. Proper training can help prevent accidents. †¢ Prevention of Obsolescence: The employee training efforts are needed to keep them updated on progress in their respective fields laborares. †¢ Personal Development: On a personal level employees benefit from training plans, because they offer a wide range of knowledge, a greater sense of competence, a larger repertoire of skills, which are indicators of personal development. Training is thus an inv estment for an organization. As the results obtained it benefit not only the employee, but also contributes to the achievement of business objectives. This work allows for recognizing and future requirements, ensuring the company supplying qualified employees and the development of human resources available; where the training plan plays a very important role in the development of human resources of an organization role, as its correct application becomes a means of motivation and encouragement to employees, which ultimately ends up benefiting the organization. May. What is E-Learning? E-learning comes from the words Electronic Learning, which describes the use of technology and multimedia tools in a learning process that leads to student retention and assimilation of the contents hereof. It is a new form of education and training that takes place through communication networks such as Internet or Intranet. The Internet technology via a Learning Manager Software enables access to structured and organized a personal training plan, no curfew, breaking any physical or geographical barriers that exist. Self-taught or under accompanied by a tutor, the student manages time to devote to train according to their occupations and schedule. The E-learning presents many benefits as: 1. Removing barriers of time, distance, economic and social, individuals can take control of their own educational life. Two.’s Skills and knowledge have to be updated constantly.  March. New technologies, along with e-learning, will help companies of all sizes, and countries to adapt to the demands of the new economy. April. Unifying all concepts in electronic versions, the employee can get the information you need when you need it, through a system that tracks the progress of each of the individuals, tailored to their own possibilities. May. Content developers, experts and the community of people looking to learn, are interconnected. 6. Whoever receives education can practice their skills individually or through virtual teams around specific areas of interest. . 7 E-learning delivers superior learning at reduced costs; greater access to learning and a method of measuring clear to all participants in the process. 8. In today’s culture marching at a rapid pace, or ganizations that implement e-learning processes will deliver your workforce the ability to turn change into a competitive advantage. While e-learning has many advantages, it also has its drawbacks. E-learning often encounter resistance from some companies and employees reluctant to use a new learning method that is unfamiliar to them. The student, the company and the trainer: The following table lists the advantages and disadvantages of e-learning from the point of view of its three protagonists are listed. †¢ For the student advantages Disadvantages The student is the protagonist of your e-learning course of computer tools Apprehension, reluctance to use new technologies Interactivity and attractiveness of e-learning content management autonomy by not having a work program tax Flexibility and adaptability to their availability (time, location) Management motivation and participation in the course of e-learning, concentration effort Training at their own pace, regardless of the other students not direct contact with forming set (unless the training is mixed) Self-evaluation during and at the end of the course Personal Tracking progress in the course and balance of results obtained by tracking (tracking) †¢ For the company advantages Disadvantages Massive Training (unlimited number of students) Companies often poorly informed and displayed suspicious as to new technologies relates Savings in indirect costs related to classroom courses (travel, accommodation, etc.). Has no control over the motivation, participation and management of the course students Flexibility and adaptability according to availability of students (time, place) Investment in computer hardware and software Ability to customize and adjust the courses according to pre-defined competencies and educational objectives is often difficult to define the content of e-learning courses to highly specialized materials (check) Less logistical constraints (no need to book a classroom or displace employees or find accommodation, etc.) Control of changes in service training Accurate reporting and analysis of the courses thanks to the automated tracking results Materials perennial training and updatable †¢ For the trainer advantages Prerequisites to assess the level of students No direct contact with the student is established (unless the training is mixed) Interactive and engaging training tools for him and the students stop being the â€Å"wise†to become the â€Å"leader†Flexibility and adaptability to availability (time, place) Passing a basically oral communication other written Tracking students from the platform (tracking) To succeed in e-learning is needed that the contents are: †¢ Update -.’s A logical feature, but that does not always happen. The degree of obsolescence varies greatly depending on the subject but it is a factor to consider. †¢ The teaching sequence Adaptable/adaptado.- or training routes should not be the same for all students, must adapt to the answers and skills of each. Thus a dynamic and interactive learning is achieved, and not boring or frustrating students. †¢ Attractive -. The content must call the student’s attention, find it appealing. It is important to capture that first attention, to make you feel motivated. †¢ Chart -. The amount of text should be as short as possible, and you need to use the potential of technologies like Flash to animate processes, demonstrations, relationships, etc.. †¢ Multimedia -.’s Important to use multimedia technology, rationally combining text, photos, audio and text with photos, videos and text, etc.. †¢ Direct -. The language used in this medium mu st be as clear and direct as possible, the displayed reading is difficult and therefore we must make an effort of synthesis to the design of an online content. †¢ Playful -. The old saying â€Å"the rod and spoil†has ceased to have effect. The playful aspect, the game is one of the most effective teaching strategies, and this aspect must be encouraged throughout the training material. †¢ Must have continuous Prà ¡ctico/Interactivo.- practices or examples or references to reality situations and continuous interactive exercises. The student must be an active subject, to interact with objects on screen, which is not a mere spectator or listener. †¢ Teaching resources. – In an online content can use different teaching resources, expository texts, diagrams, animations, illustrations, concept maps, glossary words, footnotes, download files, web links, etc.. †¢ Evaluative -. The student needs to know the result achieved, progress in learning, so the test or self-assessed exercises, showing the results and an explanation of Error automatically display are needed. †¢ Self Contained. – If the support of a teacher is minimal or liability is vital that the content itself incorporates the means fo r students to learn the interface and solve the doubts that arise. †¢ Full -. A content can not cover all aspects of a particular subject. There is a process of choosing what is important, adequate, relevant. 6. Coanching What is and Mentoring? Mentoring is the process by which a person with more experience teaches, advises, guidance and assistance in personal and professional development of other investing time, energy and knowledge. It is a process not only applies to new employees but is especially effective for workers that can be hired and promoted in the near future. The mentoring arises because companies need professionals who can deal with change initiative and creativity. It is also important to manage teams, motivate them and make them leaders, since in competitive environment people with leadership skills are essential in business. You need to optimize resources and maximize the talent of the staff. Types Mentorig †¢ Situational Mentoring: is when the pupil provides a report and mentor comes to her aid, careful not to intervene too much. †¢ Formal Mentoring: in this case previously formulated goals to measure subsequently featured in this type of mentoring 3 figures that are the mentor, mentee and the coordinator, the latter makes the program functions to support and monitor the conception objectives. †¢ Informal Mentoring: this applies for short periods, where pupils are conducted by the mentor, and makes them share experiences, skills and competencies. Coaching: Coaching is the process in which support and guidance to individuals and teams improve and optimize their performance. That brings all the talent of the person is helped to acquire new skills. Remove limitations of the person or group is important in coaching. It is a relationship where the coach assists employees in learning new ways of being and doing, new ways of doing tares necessarily to generate a positive change that improves the productivity of the company. The idea is not to identify and penalize errors or failures, but make others discover their own mistakes. The coach must be based on asking questions rather than make statements, but it is not only ask questions, but each of these made ​​by the coach has a particular purpose. Tasks based on clear and well-defined goals, even arrive at the specific tasks related to the goals to achieve. Once explained, it is the employee who must take these goals as their own. Coaching is important because it allows employees to adapt to changes effectively and efficiently. Uncover the potential of people, allowing them to achieve the goals that would otherwise be considered unreachable, which also predisposes people for collaboration, teamwork and consensus building. Recognition is a key part in her coachig, meaning â€Å"take into account†and â€Å"recognize†individual contributions and to some extent motivate and reward where it is due. There are 2 types of rewards: †¢ Social Rewards publication, flexible hours, scholarships, training, etc. †¢ Financial Rewards
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Domestic Violence and Child Abuse
Domestic Violence and Child abuse University of North Carolina at Wilmington Social Work 311: Child Abuse and Neglect M. Guarino 3-28-2011 Abstract Domestic violence and child abuse have a tendency to go hand in hand. In the past, people overlooked the fact that in most households where domestic violence kids present, child abuse and neglect also occurs. An improvement in the collaboration between child protection and domestic violence services is vital for workers to identify, interdict, and resolve the issues related to abuse in all forms.Cross training and interagency cooperation will greatly reduce abuse and increase the efficiency in which help is administered. 4-29-2011 SWK 311 Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Some parents abuse their kids because they have an alcohol or drug problem, or they have an extreme temper and they take it out on their kids, some parents abuse their kids because the parents went through something traumatic. Some parents abuse their children because th ey were abused when they were children, and then, you get some people who are just plain cruel and enjoy abusing children.In most instances domestic violence in the family structure also has an impact on the existence of child abuse. Households that experience some form or another of domestic violence also have higher rates of child abuse/neglect issues. We should recognize that domestic violence can also be associated with child abuse and improve the collaboration between child protection and domestic violence services. Child buse and neglect in the context of domestic violence can be played out in a variety of ways; the same perpetrator may be abusing both mother and children, probably the most common scenario; the children may be injured when â€Å"caught in the crossfire†during incidents of adult domestic violence; children may experience neglect because of the impact of the violence, controlling behaviors and abuse on women’s physical and mental health; or childr en may be abused by a mother who is herself being abused.Evidence is emerging in cases where both domestic violence and child abuse occur represent the greatest risk to children’s safety (Stanley 1997) and that large numbers of cases in which children are killed have histories of domestic violence(Wilczynski 1996). The man of the family is usually the root cause of the problem, however child protection services has a history of focusing on the mother, despite the fact that men are estimated to be responsible for half of the incidents of physical abuse of children, and the majority of the most serious physical abuse.Most interventions by Child protection have focused on the woman, even when their violent male partners have been known to have committed the abuse of children. This is problematic because this gender bias can result in women being held accountable for â€Å"failing to protect†their children from the actions of men who use violence against them and therefor e a failure to hold men accountable for the effects of their violence on women and children. An understanding of how domestic abuse effects child abuse is crucial in developing strategies to combat the child abuse problem.For child protection services to be effective there needs to be an understood collaboration between them and the domestic violence services. Child protection agencies have been slow or failed to recognize the contribution of domestic violence to many situations of child abuse and neglect. Some differences are that child protective services usually deal with involuntary clients, whereas domestic violence service workers deal with people on a voluntary basis.Child protective services deal with women who may be at a very different stage in recognizing and dealing with the violence in their relationships, than women who contact domestic violence services. For a collaboration to be effective, both agencies must understand each other’s work, what it is and what it isn’t. They must also appreciate the constraints, pressures, and limitations under which they are both operating. Both entities need to realize that domestic violence goes hand in hand with child abuse and vice-versa. Strategies should also be changed by child protection agencies in reference to their approach of men.They need to learn about legal approaches to contain the violent men, so that they do not merely rely on threats to a mother to physically remove her children. They also need to learn to relate to abused women in ways that do not replicate the controlling and threatening behaviors of the perpetrator. Some interesting ways so that the two agencies could work together is cross-training, integration, and specialized teams. Mandatory cross-training would enable both agencies to realize the identifying factors and how to go about handling them. It would enable the agencies to see the powers and limitations of each other.Integration of the agencies will also enable th em to use to their resources to their fullest potential. It is kind of like the Sherriff’s department and the city police, both are basically doing the same task, but they are two separate entities who rarely communicate with each other. If they merged together and integrated all of their resources they would probably be more efficient. The same goes with child protection and domestic violence services. Specialized teams would also be very beneficial because they could use their special skills to handle very tricky situations.The teams could team up with the police and court system to find a way to handle the situation. Establishing this â€Å"common ground†approach between the two agencies will significantly reduce child abuse in domestic violence households. In response to the growing recognition of the intersection of domestic violence and child abuse and neglect, significant efforts are being made to improve the collaboration between domestic violence and child pr otection services. This is very important to recognize that one usually affects the other. We must understand and use every available resource to combat the problem.Instead of standing there with our hands tied behind our backs not being able to do anything, let’s use every available tool and resource that is available to help the child. Anything that can be done to save or at least help any child that is in an abusive situation is worth it. References Stanley, N. 1197, ‘Domestic Violence and Child Abuse: Developing Social Work Practice’, Child and Family Social Work, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 135-146 Wilczynski, A. 1996, ‘Risk Factors for Child and Spousal Homicide’, Psychiatry and Behavioral Disorders: Family Law Issues, LAAMS Publications, Bondi Junction
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