Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Compare How Time Is Presented in Hour and One Other Poem
Compare how time is presented in Hour and one other Poem Both poems Hour and To His Coy Mistress present the power time has between two people. Hour is a poem about two lovers who have one hour together and explores the ideas of material possesions and a modern reinterpretation of love. Where as To His Coy Mistress is a poem where the man is trying to convince the woman to sleep with him and exploring the idea of living and enjoying your life whilst your young. Both of the poems use different types of poetic techniques to depict how time can effect the relationship of two lovers. In Hour Duffy uses a metaphor at the start of the poem to allude how love has less power than time. When Duffy announces Loves times beggar,†¦show more content†¦Both poets use different structures to depict their love for one another. In Hour Duffy uses four stanzas that describe how precious and luxurious that one hour is to the couple.Throughout the poem Duffy uses enjambment to create a smooth feeling of the hour that the couple is sharing. When Duffy declares no jewel hold a candle to the cuckoo spit/hungfrom the blade of grass at your ear this alludes the enjambment but also Duffy is trying to say that even jewels arent as beautiful as the place they are in suggesting societys modern reinterpretation of love. Whereas To His Coy Mistress has three longer stanzas inituating a well developed argument to declare all the reasons why the mistress should gi ve herself to the man. Marvell does not use enjambment like Hour however does use conjunctions to develop its argument At the start of stanza two Marvell announces But at my back I always hear/Times winged chariot hurrying near he starts the stanza with the conjuction But which shows the conjuction. Also Marvell personifies time as a robber taking time away from the two lovers and starts to present a slightly bleack image of the time they have to spend together. In conclusion I think that both poems relate well to eacother and give the readers also something to relate to. For instintance in Hour audiences can relate because time has maybe taken away their partner or how much time they spend with eathother and ToShow MoreRelatedCompare How Feelings Towards Another Person Are Presented in ‘Hour’ and ‘to His Coy Mistress1505 Words  | 7 PagesCompare how feelings towards another person are presented in ‘Hour’ and ‘To His Coy Mistress. †¨36 marks While ‘hour’ presents feelings of more romantic love, ‘To his coy mistress’, presents the idea of a more physical love. But both poems are based upon many of the same ideas, but are shown in different ways. For example the ideas of Nature, sense of greed, sense of time moving too quickly and a sense realistic love. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Samsung Smart Fridge Business to Business Marketing Plan
Samsung Smart Fridge Marketing Plan Prepared by: Elizaveta Chernova Susanne Pfisterer Kelly Seawell Semih Yilmaz CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARYÂ…Â…Â…Â….Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…...4 MISSION STATEMENTÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…...5 CURRENT MARKET POSITIONÂ….Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…....5-9 Product Target Market Analysis Place Price Promotion Processes Physical Evidence MARKET OVERVIEW.Â…..Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…....9-10 Description Laws and Regulations Current Business Trends SWOT ANALYSISÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…10-13 Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Key Issues Key Opportunities Competitor Analysis ASSUMPTIONSÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…..13 Sales Revenue Customer Base OBJECTIVESÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…..Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â…...13-15 ANSOFFS†¦show more content†¦In order to create a smooth entrance into the market Samsung will begin their sale interactions with one company or restaurant at a time and not by creating a partnership. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Construction of Health Care for Aged in Sydney
Question: Discuss the literature review on different areas of human resource and communication for the topic "construction of health care for aged in Sydney". Answer: Introduction: This report is about construction of a health care project for the aged people in Sydney. The care of the aged people is very vital and a serious concern in Australia. The aged acre sector is growing and high level of care is required for these people. According to the report in the year of 2010, the population of aged people in Australia was 400000. It is expected that the population of these people will be 1.8 million by the year of 2050. According to the report of National Health and Hospital Reform Commission, the health care places must be double by the year of 2030 to meet the requirement. In this context, the government and other health and social care organizations are working together for developing new health care projects for the aged people (Blackwell, Lucas Clarke, 2014). In order to develop a proper care for the aged people, the people of the project construction area should be aware about the requirements of the care of aged people. In this report, the different aspec t of the HRM and communication for the construction of the health care project for the aged people will be analyzed by reviewing the previous literature available in this field. After analyzing the important factors of the aged care sector, the different phases of the project development for the construction, HRM and communication issues for the construction of the health care project will be discussed (Bhm, Kunze Bruch, 2014). Literature Review: The care for aged people has become diverse because of the changing pattern in the various types of disease among the aged people. The diversity among the requirements and special needs of the aged people are also changing frequently which is creating the construction of the care project more difficult. The expanding size of the health care sector is the major challenge for developing the aged health care. Skills and qualification of the workforce is essential for the successful completion of the construction of health care project for the aged people in Australia. The employees of the labor intensive sector should work harder to meet the requirement of the health care project for the aged people (Broad et al., 2013). The main aspect for the construction project for the health care sector is to understand the requirements of the health care services and construct the health care accordingly. The construction of the health care is quite different from the normal construction projects. The construction should be done in such a way which can ensure that the care seeker and health care professionals will have all the requirements of health care services. The employees of the civil construction area are very busy with the complex, dynamic and unpredictable working sector with intense competition (Guariguata et al., 2014). According to Koebnick et al., (2016), the major issue of the construction project is the chronic skills shortage. The employees should work according to the Industry workforce plan. The financial crisis of the workers in the construction industry is also a major issue of the construction site for the health care project. The employees of the civil construction area are having the prob lem of low payment. This may hamper the quality of work. Therefore, the management of the health care sector has to pay proper to the employees to get the best outcome from their works. Project Life Cycle: The project life cycle for the construction project of a health care project for the aged people can be divided into four phases. The phases are initiate, plan, execute and close. Each of the phases of the project lifecycle should be completed with high level of priority and care. Each of the phases of the project life cycle should be started after the successful completion of the previous phases. Initiate: In this phase, the requirements of the project are discussed with the construction team and the health care professionals. Recognizing the project requirements and feasibility analysis are the major activities of this phase. Cost estimation and material assessment are also the important activities of the initiate phase. Plan: developing plan for the completion of the project activates are done in this phase. In this phase, the workers should be assigned for individual works properly. The blue print is made in this phase for the total project development. In this phase, the total construction project will be dived into several parts and then the parts will be completed by the workers in the supervision of the supervisors of the construction project. The requirements of the health care organization are considered by the construction managers for developing the plan for the development project (McGorry, Bates Birchwood, 2013). Execute: High level of co-ordination with the employees of the construction unit and other resources required for the carry out the plan should be properly used in this phase for the successful execution of the developed plan to construct the healthcare for aged people. Proper management of the employees and effective level of supervision is also required for the successful evaluation of the plan developed in the previous phase. Close: Ensuring the construction is completed and all the requirements of the health care unit are fulfilled the project gets completed in this phase. If any corrective actions are required, then those are performed in this phase and the project can started by the health care unit by the formal acceptance (Stanhope Lancaster, 2015). Roles and Responsibilities: The roles and responsibilities of the people involved in the construction should be highlighted clearly. The managers roles in the construction of the health care unit should be described and need to be made accountable for his or her work. The time line for the responsibilities should be designed for short period and long period separately so that proper communication is made between the owners and the managers and timely review of the task is taken. Australian government has provided a large number of support and service systems for the aged population. Several programs from Commonwealth at state level, voluntary programs from community and localities and programs from private profit making sector and non-profit making sectors have been identified in Australia. The company should take clue and ideas from such organization for planning its own project. Further the company should provide general support to the managers and contractors with respect to housing and income so that they work with free mind and do not worry about their. More assistance is provided to labour people to get their support and willingness to do over duties for the completion of the project (Stanhope Lancaster, 2015). The company should provides residential services like funding facilities for residence, rent and payment pharmaceutical and medical facilities, public housing facility, hospital support and community care support, services for the workers and other related support to create cordial environment during the construction period (Theou et al., 2013). The responsibility of Human resource of the company towards funding of the projects should be handled with proper care and timely flow of fund should be maintained to avoid discontinuity of the project. (Singh et al., 2013). Human Resource Development: Human resource development is inevitable if company wants to bring develop good health care system for the aged population in Australia. A Clinical Leadership in Aged Care (CLiAC) program was build-up by government to improve the leadership capacity of the managers for increasing the quality of care delivered in Australia. The company should take assistance from such programs Human resource management has a role in changing the employers attitude towards the workers. They need to alter organizational culture according to the requirement of the workforce. The organization should employ older generation for their experiences and also supporting the aged population with jobs. However the strategic focus of the management should be for increasing the skill of the labor force and support the ageing population (Runciman et al., 2012). Human resource management provides a key role in effectively managing the human resource for the workforce. The working people should be provided training programmes for their effective output (Schiller et al., 2012). The human resource management should include developing maximum number of employment opportunities for the labour force of the country so that it will reduce the unemployment problem. There is need to expand the flexibility and develop training programs for the working population Human resource should be developed to give appropriate training programs to the employees. Proper learning methodology need to be adopted for them. There is crisis of performance management for the unskilled workers which need to be taken care off. The remuneration system should not be linked to the number of years of experience or age of the workers but it should be linked to the performance of the workers (Mossialos et al., 2016). The human resource management should make an attempt to change the attitude of the employers towards the working population and their leaning styles should be enhanced by giving them proper training. There are several moral complexities on ethical ground for human resource practitioners. The behaviour options were examined when the people are encountering ethical dilemma. In public sector, the research has revealed that there are several issues an complexities of ethical dilemmas and proper human resource management should be practiced to remove ethical dilemmas (McGorry,Bates Birchwood, 2013). Linking Ergonomics with the Human Resources Management: Ergonomics is an important element of human resource management. It helps in understanding the factor of performance and brings a link between effectiveness, efficiency, security and understands its effect on the organizational development process of the employees. The link between ergonomics and human resource management is important from the methodological view and helps in analyzing the affect on the organization. Ergonomics contribute to the growth and development of human resource management in various ways and it has become one of the important interests of the managers (Mann et al., 2014). Ergonomics practices are used all over the globe to improve the working conditions of the workers and to reduce the injuries of the workers at the working place. It not only benefits the workers but also the organization in binging effectiveness at the work place. Ergonomics is the science through which the jobs are designed to fit the workers. In case of aged workers, it is more required as the aged workforce has some rigidity towards the choice of the work. It makes the human resource management to adopt task, equipment, work stations and tools to reduce the physical strain on the workers body and remove work related disease and muscular disorders in the body. Ergonomics includes industrial hygiene, biomechanics and many other scientific (Lawrence, Hancock Kisely, 2013). Ergonomics is used for optimization of socio-technical system that includes the optimization of organizational policies, structure and policies. It is an applied science that is concern with arranging and designing the things used by the employees so that they work more effectively. It is manner of improving productivity of the employees. The benefits of ergonomics is to increase the work quality, improve productivity, reduce absenteeism, decrease the charges for health insurance, increase morality and reduce discomfort and fatigue of the employees. OSHAs Ergonomics program and Employees Work-life Support service are the two main ergonomics practices currently used by the organization (Kooij et al., 2013). According to Koebnick et al. (2016), the ergonomics methods at Ford, was able to alter the process of engineering so that there is a better involvement of human in job. The lower is the ergonomic risk on jobs; the higher is the quality of the product. Human Resource Governance: The human governance activities will enhance the performance of the employees of the construction sector. The activities of the employees will be monitored and measured by the supervisors. This is known as the performance monitoring. Framework and metrics should be used for the performance monitoring of the employees (Weber, Rachman-Moore Tarba, 2012). The functional effectiveness, compliances and contribution of the employees to the project development will be analyzed in this method. Skill development of the employees and leadership styles are the important factors of the human resource governance of the construction project. Fair treatment regarding the payment and other facilities to the employees should be ensured in the human resource governance. Communication Plan: The stake holders of the construction project are the construction manager, contractor, planning manager and the labors of the construction sector. Effective level of communication among these people is highly required for the successful completion of the construction project of aged health care services. Both the verbal and non-verbal communication will be used for the communication with the stakeholders of the construction project (Singh et al., 2013). Hierarchical structure will be maintained for communication between the stakeholders. Written requirements will be provided by the health care professionals to the contractors. Then the document will be provided to the construction managers. Blueprints of the construction project will be developed in written format and will be shown to the health care management. The blueprint will be developed by the planning managers. The blue print should be approved by the health care management. If any changes required in the plan, that should be communicated with the constriction manager. Then the revised plan should be made and approved by the health care management (Mossialos et al., 2016). One of the main issues of this area is the miscommunication between the stakeholders. The requirements of the health care centre for the aged people should be cleared at the initial level. Any misunderstanding about the requirements may be the reason of great problem in the construction. Verbal communication will be required between the construction manager and the labors. The construction manager will give the instructions in verbal format to the employees regarding what to do and when. Risk Management: Risk Factors: Health and safety factors Risk of falling off workers from the construction site Handling, storage and usage of hazardous substances Potential injuries for occupational overuse including electric shock, fire or explosion Exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sunlight while working on site Solid waste production The construction of the Hospital includes the prediction of harmful waste products including concrete, mud, plastics, glasses, papers and other waste products that are difficult to manage for disposing the same Scope, cost, and schedule uncertainty risk Construction project for the Hospital not meeting with the estimated budget Project unable to complete within the estimated time line Quality factor being neglected in the process Solutions: Administrative controls A proper undertaking should be taken by the company for recording hazards Implication of proper risks management strategy for making significant changes Training of the workers about the health and safety implications Provision of first aid equipments at the construction site Analyzing the cost and benefit analysis prior to the implementation for the construction project Integration of the quality and scope management within the construction process of the Hospital Legislation controls Implementation of the standard code of practices, guidance and regulations Implementing appropriate control measures for the various risks being recorded Benching the sides of excavation to minimize the risk of the individual being trapped in order to prevent from collapsing Engineering controls Enclosing the cab excavator by using the falling objects protection structure Battering and shoring the sides of the excavation for minimizing the excavation from collapsing Providing the workers with the safety clothes and protection while working at the consecution site Isolation controls Minimizing the risk of harmful substances and practices from exposing in public by isolating the same Conclusion: The paper discusses the literature review on different areas of human resource and communication for the topic: construction of health care for aged in Sydney. The areas of discussion are Project life cycle, roles and responsibilities, human resource development, linking ergonomics with human resources management, human resource governance, and risk management and communication plan. Further, the paper has suggested the manner in which the risk and challenges can be managed that comes along the issues of communication. Selection of the Human Resource strategy is very vital for managing the workforce in the construction project. The employees of the construction sector are facing the problem regarding payment. The payments should be given to the employees for motivating them and achieving the highest performance from the employees. The employees should be motivated for perform better in the workplace. The roles and responsibilities are well managed by the Commonwealth government that provides age pension, residential services like funding facilities for residence, rent and payment for disabled, pharmaceutical and medical facilities public housing facility, hospital support and community care support, services for disability and other related support to the aged population of Australia Human resource management provides a major role in effectively managing the human resource for the aged workforce. The working force should be provided training programmes for their effective output and the work should be designed according to their capabilities. Ergonomics method is the most useful way in which the socio-technical system can be optimized and it helps in arranging and designing the things effectively so that the aged people can be taken proper care. The success factor of the construction project is dependent on the effective communication between the stakeholders of the project. Therefore, the communication should be very clear. The communication plan given in this report will help to complete the construction project of the health care for the aged people. The communication should focus on the requirements of the health care sector regarding the health care services for the aged people. The construction project will face some potential risks regarding the employees health and safety requirements and some other factors like waste management, cost etc. The risk management plan is given in the report which will help to complete the construction project by minimizing the risk factors. References: Blackwell, D. L., Lucas, J. W., Clarke, T. C. (2014). Summary health statistics for US adults: national health interview survey, 2012. Vital and health statistics. Series 10, Data from the National Health Survey, (260), 1-161. Bleich, S. N., Jarlenski, M. P., Bell, C. N., LaVeist, T. A. (2012). Health inequalities: trends, progress, and policy. 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Sunday, December 1, 2019
Literature Review Communication Theories
There has been a lot of active research in the area communication. In fact, communication is a multidisciplinary field with scholars from both social and technical sciences concentrating on different aspects.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Literature Review: Communication Theories specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The role of this paper is to examine the application of selected communication theories at Ped’s Kafe to appreciate the role that theories play in the conduct of business. This paper will concentrate on theories with a greater significance in social sciences. There are an extremely high number of theories applicable to the study of communication. A casual search for theories relevant to communication brought up in excess of seventy theories from different disciplines. Some of them go back to the early nineteenth century when scholars wanted to determine the factors that drove communication during the peak of the industrial age. Others are very recent, such as the network theory that explores the communication trends in the twenty first century against the backdrop of rapid globalization and unparalleled technological advancement.1 The most relevant theories to this inquiry are the Information Theory developed by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver, the Attribution Theory of Fritz Heider, the Groupthink Theory developed by Irving Janis, the Information Integration Theory, and the Uncertainty Reduction Theory. The Information Theory was the result of applying a technical perspective of communication to social science. Shannon was an engineer with the Bell Telephone Company. Shannon’s primary interest was in the transmission of clear signals free from noise to make it possible for Bell’s Clients to have clearer calls with minimum distortion and interference.Advertising Looking for essay on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first p aper with 15% OFF Learn More However, Weaver, a social scientist, thought that the theory that Shannon had used to solve technical problems applied equally as well to social sciences. It was Weaver’s opinion that all communication undergoes distortion and hence Shannon’s theory was valid across the whole disciplines.2 The implication of this theory is that there is need to indentify and reduce â€Å"noise†within any communication process caused by the transducers used in the process. Noise refers to anything that interferes with the quality of the original signal. The Attribution Theory, developed by Fritz Heider concentrated on the way people had a tendency of drawing inferences about a person’s character based on how they communicated. Heider observed that, â€Å"we see a person act and immediately reach conclusions that go beyond mere sensory information†.3 The implication of this theory is that people can develop inaccurate conclusion s by using limited information to make sweeping conclusions. It serves to warn that it is improper and premature to make character judgments based only on limited information. In this sense, the theory keeps people from being prejudicial. It also makes them aware that their views can carry prejudices if they did not have sufficient information to make the decisions they took. Irvin Janis’ Groupthink Theory related to the collective impact of team dynamics on decision-making based on a communication malfunction.4 It related directly to the situation where a group made mistakes, sometimes very serious ones, because the team lacked the capacity to communicate objectively about the issue in question. This theory came about after studying some major disasters in various organizations, which resulted from lack of constructive criticism or the capacity to take the criticism. Groupthink is often the result of high team cohesion encumbered with the unwillingness to raise contentious i ssues, usually in order to maintain team harmony.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Literature Review: Communication Theories specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This theory addresses the nature of communication as a factor of operating environments. It has a special place in team based working environments such as Ped’s Kafe. The final theories under the purview of this inquiry are the Information Integration Theory and the Uncertainty Reduction Theory.5 The Information Integration Theory postulates that people tend to develop their opinion of an issue based on the aggregate information they have regarding the issue.6 It is a sort of zero-sum game where a mental weighing of the pros and the cons take place. This theory explains how negotiations, advertisments, and propaganda work. Simply overwhelming the recipient with one side of the debate makes them more apt to view it as the better option. The Uncertainty Reduction Theory explains that there is a drive in every person to reduce their uncertainty by gathering more information about the issues making them anxious. It explains the need for courting before marriage to find out as much as possible about a potential spouse, in order to reduce any uncertainties. The implications of these communication theories to Ped’s Kafe are numerous. These theories confirm some of the best practices at Ped’s Kafe while they also help in identifying some of the potential pitfalls in the current communication systems. In order to apply these theories to the workplace communication, there is need to consider the mediums of communication used, and the parties involved in communication processes. Ped’s Kafe uses the telephone and the internet in its communications to suppliers and customers. Internet based systems include emails, and messages posted on social media platforms. Based on information theory, there is a need to ensure that a ll communication leaving Ped’s Kafe is simple, short, and accurate.7Advertising Looking for essay on communication strategies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More One of the biggest concerns most internet users have is the amount of information that require their attention on any day.8 The best way to communicate with them is to reduce the noise, by cutting back on content to ensure that what they get from Ped’s Kafe is plain to them. It is imperative to ensure politeness at all times because of Attribution theory. Rudeness on the phone or online can result in a poor image of Ped’s Kafe among clients. The implication of the Information Integration theory for Ped’s Kafe is that there is need to always ensure that there is â€Å"good press†online to ensure that as clients interact with messages from Ped’s Kafe, they receive more positive reviews than negative ones. The actual place to ensure positive reviews lies in the provisions of good services.9 However, an active advertising and media strategy calls for ensuring that there is a reasonable amount of information out there about the services offered at Pedà ¢â‚¬â„¢s Kafe.10 It also emphasizes the need for a clear advertising strategy to ensure always that when people are making an evaluation of Ped’s Kafe, they have sufficient positive information about it. By doing this Ped’s Kafe will also ensure that it meets the information requirements for client seeking to reduce their uncertainties, according to the Uncertainty Reduction Theory. In the area of interpersonal communication, there are also many lessons to draw from the application of the theories reviewed. Lessons from the Information Theory include the need to foster person-to-person communication within the employees to reduce the risk of distortion when messages pass through many people.11 This applies in the case of addressing the issues that affect service provision and employee relations. The Attribution Theory demands that staff must be slow from passing character judgments on clients based on limited restaurant floor communication. On the other hand, politenes s must remain a standard because of the risk that some clients may attribute negative values to the employees if they face any less-than-polite treatment from the staff. There is a serious risk of groupthink at the Ped’s Kafe. This is because of the unyielding demand from management that all staff should play as part of a team. There is a very high premium associated with teamwork. Therefore, the staff can easily fall for the trap of failing to give needed critical comments in favor of team harmony. There is need to establish greater space for dissenting voices to ensure the establishment benefits from positive criticism. Ped’s Kafe has not been very aggressive its marketing efforts. It depends a lot on walk-in clients to establish a relationship before it can follow upon the potential relationship. According to the lessons from the Information Integration Theory, there is a real need to develop an aggressive marketing strategy that will ensure there is sufficient info rmation within the potential market for Ped’s Kafe.12 It will make information available for them to make balanced judgments about Ped’s Kafe as opposed to relying on individual reviews. It will also help to reduce their uncertainties regarding the Ped’s Kafe. The observations made based on the theories reviewed demonstrate that theories have an important place in the communication. More importantly, they provide a way of explaining human behavior hence they provide a solid way of making business decisions. Reference List Boucaut, R, â€Å"Understanding Workplace Bullying: A Practical Application of Giddens’ Structuration Theory,†International Education Journal, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 65-73, 2001. Corson, D, RL Heath, J Bryant, Human Communication Theory and Research: Concepts, Context, and Challenges, 2nd ed. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, Mahwah, NJ, 2000. Flannes, S G Levin, Essential People Skills for Project Managers, Management Concepts, Vi enna, VA: 2005. Froeb, L BT McCann, Managerial Economics: A Problem Solving ApproachCengage Learning, Mason, OH, 2009. Gilson, S, Creating Value Through Corporate Restructuring: Case Studies in Bankruptcies, Buyouts, and Breakups, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, 2010. Griffin, E, A First Look at Communication Theory, 8th ed. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, New York, NY, 1997. Holmes, D, Communication Theory: Media, Technology, and Society, SAGE, London, UK, 2005. Meredeth, JR SJ Mantel, Project Management: A Managerial Approach, 8th ed. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2011. O’Fallon MJ DG Rutherford, Hotel Management and Operations, 5th ed. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2010. Peppers, D, M Rogers, Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2004. Stellman, JM, Encyclopeadia of Occupational Health and Safety, International Labour Organnization, Geneva, 1998. Footnotes 1 S Flannes G Levin, Essential People Skills for Projec t Managers, Management Concepts, Vienna, VA, 2005, p.23. 2 E Griffin, A First Look at Communication Theory, 8th ed. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, New York, NY, 1997, p. 47 3 Ibid 4 L Froeb BT McCann, Managerial Economics: A Problem Solving Approach Cengage Learning, Mason, OH, 2009, p. 78. 5R Boucaut, â€Å"Understanding Workplace Bullying: A Practical Application of Giddens’ Structuration Theory,†International Education Journal, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 65-73, 2001. 6D Corson, RL Heath, J Bryant, Human Communication Theory and Research: Concepts, Context, and Challenges, 2nd ed. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc, Mahwah, NJ, 2000, p. 45. 7 D Holmes, Communication Theory: Media, Technology, and Society, SAGE, London, UK, 2005, p.67. 8 Meredeth, JR SJ Mantel, Project Management: A Managerial Approach, 8th ed. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2011, p. 23. 9 MJ O’Fallon DG Rutherford, Hotel Management and Operations, 5th ed. John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2010, p. 5 2. 10 D Peppers M Rogers, Managing Customer Relationships: A Strategic Framework, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NJ, 2004, p. 87. 11 JM Stellman, Encyclopeadia of Occupational Health and Safety, International Labour Organnization, Geneva, 1998. 12 S Gilson, Creating Value Through Corporate Restructuring: Case Studies in Bankruptcies, Buyouts, and Breakups, John Wiley and Sons, New York, NY, 2010, p. 63. This essay on Literature Review: Communication Theories was written and submitted by user Gianni Pollard to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Bette Nesmith Graham, Inventor of Liquid Paper
Bette Nesmith Graham, Inventor of Liquid Paper Bette Nesmith Graham (March 23, 1924–May 12, 1980) was the inventor and businesswoman who made a fortune from her invention Liquid Paper, a product which along with its competitors such as Wite-Out, allowed secretaries to quickly correct typing mistakes. Fast Facts: Bette Nesmith Graham Known For: Invention of the correcting fluid known as Liquid PaperBorn: March 23, 1924 in Dallas TexasParents: Christine Duval and Jesse McMurrayDied: May 12, 1980 in Richardson, TexasEducation: Left San Antonios Alamo Heights School at 17Spouse(s): Warren Nesmith (m. 1941, div. 1946); Robert Graham (m. 1962, div. 1975)Children: Michael Nesmith (b. December 30, 1942) Early Life Bette Claire McMurray was born on March 23, 1924 in Dallas, Texas, the daughter of Christine Duval and Jesse McMurray. Her mother owned a knitting store and taught Bette how to paint; her father worked at an auto parts store. Bette attended the Alamo Heights School in San Antonio, Texas until she was 17, at which point she left school to marry her childhood sweetheart and soldier Warren Nesmith. Nesmith went off to World War II and while he was away, she had their only son, Michael Nesmith (later of The Monkees fame). They divorced in 1946. Divorced and with a small child to support, Bette took several odd jobs, eventually learning shorthand and typing. She found employment in 1951 as an executive secretary for the Texas Bank Trust in Dallas. A technological advancement in typewriters from fabric to carbon ribbons and a more sensitive keypad made errors more common and more difficult to correct: erasers that had worked before now smeared the carbon across the paper. Graham sought a better way to correct typing errors, and she remembered that artists painted over their mistakes on canvas, so why couldnt typists simply paint over their mistakes? The Invention of Liquid Paper Bette Nesmith put some tempera water-based paint, colored to match the stationery she used, into a bottle and took her watercolor brush to the office. She used this to surreptitiously correct her typing mistakes, which her boss never noticed. Soon another secretary saw the new invention and asked for some of the correcting fluid. Graham found a green bottle at home, wrote Mistake Out on a label, and gave it to her friend. Soon, all the secretaries in the building were asking for some, too. The Mistake Out Company She continued to refine her recipe in her kitchen laboratory, which was based on a formula for tempura paint she found at the local library, with assistance from a paint company employee and a chemistry teacher at a local school. In 1956, Bette Nesmith started the Mistake Out Company: her son Michael and his friends filled bottles for her customers. Nevertheless, she made little money despite working nights and weekends to fill orders. Bette Nesmith left her typing job at the bank in 1958 when Mistake Out finally began to succeed: her product was featured in office supply magazines, she had a meeting with IBM, and General Electric placed an order for 500 bottles. Although some stories say she was fired from the bank for signing her name with the Mistake Out Company, her own Gihon Foundation biography reports she simply started working part-time then left as the company succeeded. She became a full-time small business owner, applied for a patent, and changed the name to the Liquid Paper Company. Liquid Papers Success She now had time to devote to selling Liquid Paper, and business boomed. At each step along the way, she expanded the business, moving her production out of her kitchen into her backyard, then into a four-room house. In 1962, she married Robert Graham, a frozen-food salesman who then took an increasingly active role in the organization. By 1967, Liquid Paper had grown into a million-dollar business. In 1968, she moved into her own plant and corporate headquarters in Dallas with automated operations and 19 employees. That year, Bette Nesmith Graham sold one million bottles. In 1975, Liquid Paper moved into a 35,000-square-foot international headquarters building in Dallas. The plant had equipment that could produce 500 bottles a minute. That same year, she divorced Robert Graham. In 1976, the Liquid Paper Corporation turned out 25 million bottles, while the company spent $1 million a year on advertising alone. She had the lions share of a multi-million dollar industry and Bette, now a wealthy woman, established two charitable foundations, the Gihon Foundation in 1976, to collect paintings and other artworks by women, and the Bette Clair McMurray Foundation to support women in need, in 1978. But when she stepped down as chairperson, her ex-husband Robert Graham took over and she found herself on the losing end of a power struggle. She was barred from making corporate decisions, lost access to the premises, and the company changed her formula so she would lose royalties. Death and Legacy Despite increasing health issues, Bette Graham managed to wrest back control of the company and in 1979, Liquid Paper was sold to Gillette for $47.5 million and Bettes royalty rights were restored. Bette Nesmith Graham believed money to be a tool, not a solution to a problem. Her two foundations supported several ways to help women find new ways to earn a living, especially unwed mothers. That included giving shelter and counseling for battered women and college scholarships for mature women. Graham died on May 12, 1980, six months after selling her company. At the time of her death, Bette Graham was planning a building to house the foundations and the art collection including works by Georgia OKeeffe, Mary Cassatt, Helen Frankenthaler, and many other lesser-known artists. She described herself as a feminist who wants freedom for myself and everybody else. Surviving the Paperless Office In March 2019, Atlantic staff writer David Graham noted that Wite-Out, a competitor to Liquid Paper that was made specifically so the error wouldnt show up when photocopied, is still doing a fairly robust sales business, despite the near disappearance of paper from the modern office. Grahams readers replied with a slew of (non-sinister) uses when computer-generated printing isnt involved: correcting posters, forms, crossword puzzles or Sudoku, file folder tabs, and calendars. One reader pointed out it was more green to fix a printed page than to print it again. But correction fluid is also being used in a wide variety of emergency and temporary fixes for white clothing and nicks in white walls or appliances or floor tiles or French manicures. Its also employed as a functional fluid in arts and crafts from blacksmithing to jewelry to modeling kits. Liquid Paper numbers werent available to Graham, but most of those uses could apply to it as well. Sources Baker Jones, Nancy. Graham, Bette Clair McMurray. The Handbook of Texas. Dallas: The Texas State Historical Association, June 15, 2010.Biographical Sketch of Bette Graham. Gihon Foundation.Chow, Andrew R. Overlooked No More: Bette Nesmith Graham, Who Invented Liquid Paper. The New York Times, July 11, 2018.Graham, David A. Who Still Buys Wite-Out, and Why? The Atlantic, March 19, 2019. Nesmith, Michael. Infinite Tuesday: An Autobiographical Riff. New York: Crown Archetype, 2017.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Practice in Using Commas and Semicolons Correctly
Practice in Using Commas and Semicolons Correctly This exercise offers practice in applying the rules for using commas and semicolons correctly. Before attempting the exercise, you may find it helpful to review these three pages: Guidelines for Using Commas EffectivelyHow to Use the SemicolonSemicolons, Colons, and Dashes Throughout the following two paragraphs, you will find a number of empty paired brackets: [ ]. Replace each set of brackets with a comma or a semicolon, keeping in mind that the primary use of a semicolon is to separate two main clauses not joined by a coordinating conjunction. When you are done, compare your work with the correctly punctuated versions of the two paragraphs on page two. Exercise: Pasta Pasta[ ] a large family of shaped[ ] dried wheat pastes[ ] is a basic staple in many countries. Its origins are obscure. Rice pastes were known very early in China[ ] pastes made of wheat were used in India and Arabia long before they were introduced into Europe in the 11th or 12th century. According to legend[ ] Marco Polo brought a pasta recipe with him from Asia in 1295. Pasta quickly became a major element in the Italian diet[ ] and its use spread throughout Europe. Pasta is made from durum wheat flour[ ] which makes a strong[ ] elastic dough. Hard durum wheat has the highest wheat protein value. The flour is mixed with water[ ] kneaded to form a thick paste[ ] and then forced through perforated plates or dies that shape it into one of more than 100 different forms. The macaroni die is a hollow tube with a steel pin in its center[ ] the spaghetti die lacks the steel pin and produces a solid cylinder of paste. Ribbon pasta is made by forcing the paste through thin slits in a die[ ] shells and other curved shapes are produced with more intricate dies. The shaped dough is dried carefully to reduce the moisture content to about 12 percent[ ] and properly dried pasta should remain edible almost indefinitely. Pastas can be colored with spinach or beet juice. The addition of egg produces a richer[ ] yellower pasta that is usually made in noodle form and is often sold undried. When you are done, compare your work with the correctly punctuated versions of the two paragraphs on page two. Here are the two paragraphs that served as the model for the punctuation exercise on page one. Original Paragraphs: Pasta Pasta, a large family of shaped, dried wheat pastes, is a basic staple in many countries. Its origins are obscure. Rice pastes were known very early in China; pastes made of wheat were used in India and Arabia long before they were introduced into Europe in the 11th or 12th century. According to legend, Marco Polo brought a pasta recipe with him from Asia in 1295. Pasta quickly became a major element in the Italian diet, and its use spread throughout Europe. Pasta is made from durum wheat flour, which makes a strong, elastic dough. Hard durum wheat has the highest wheat protein value. The flour is mixed with water, kneaded to form a thick paste, and then forced through perforated plates or dies that shape it into one of more than 100 different forms. The macaroni die is a hollow tube with a steel pin in its center; the spaghetti die lacks the steel pin and produces a solid cylinder of paste. Ribbon pasta is made by forcing the paste through thin slits in a die; shells and other curved shapes are produced with more intricate dies. The shaped dough is dried carefully to reduce the moisture content to about 12 percent, and properly dried pasta should remain edible almost indefinitely. Pastas can be colored with spinach or beet juice. The addition of egg produces a richer, yellower pasta that is usually made in noodle form and is often sold undried.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Managment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5
Managment - Essay Example Chet needs to structure his day so that each of his employees can come to see him at their respective times. This way, each employee can be heard and Chet can deal with the problem then and there. For those problems that are unimportant, Chet can hire an assistant to deal with those problems. 2) There needs to be a direct line of communication between Chet and his employees. One way to go about this is equipping every employee with a handheld device so that Chet can be reached at all times of the day. This would facilitate instant communication and do away with the need for employees to have to go and personally see Chet, thus wasting more of his time. If the workload is too much, the president of the company may consider hiring another plant manager to work in conjunction with Chet. This would reduce the workload on Chet and allow him to focus on only the essential tasks at hand. Another option would be to supply Chet with his very own personal assistant, who could help to manage Chet’s work day more effectively by scheduling appointments and taking notes of any queries. 3) Chet is the type of person who always feels like he needs to be part of the action. Instead of listening to every concern in the workplace, Chet needs to distinguish between crucial and routine tasks. Chet admitted to himself that he is very busy everyday at work, yet he never seems to accomplish anything. He may have a habit of control, where he always has to know every tidbit of information from within the entire company. This is exemplified when Chet checked the previous day’s production reports, did rescheduling to get out urgent orders, and consulted with a foreman about a personal problem of his. Even though Chet is the Plant Manager, he does not need to know every single detail about all of these things. A personal assistant could sum up the day’s problems and give a short brief to Chet every morning
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The View on American Revolution through Correspondence of that Times Essay - 1
The View on American Revolution through Correspondence of that Times - Essay Example Benjamin Franklin was so interested in politics and science besides editing and publishing Pennsylvanian gazette where he liked poor Richard’s Almanack, which was the best manual seller by then. Benjamin did so well and retired from his business of printing at the young age of 40 years. Franklin directed all his writings to the public at large except on occasions when he sent correspondence to Mrs. King, by covering critical areas of finance and people at work. The contention was to fully part of Richard’s principles by standing alone in decision making without coercion from a third party. All his teachings were scripted around 1757 in his book titled the way to wealth. In 1776-1783 Abigail and John Adams appreciated the need to rectify the gender inequities which were inherent in law, politics, and society. Purposely, these were pertinent matters in reconstituting government to reflect gender sensitivity. They also maintained capacious correspondences with some other people, for instance, their friends such as Mercy Otis, Joseph Warren, and many others. Abigail also talked about the history of revolution and other priorities of women in the society. Adams and other female patriots took additional snag to sustain family ranches and making business running. Th rough reading the collections titled â€Å"family letters on revolutionary matters†, the justification will be realized in the stability of government in sustaining the colony (Pinckney, p 52-64). The article was at a time when Americans were undergoing heavy social and political development. It typically outlines the difficult period as evidenced by the adversity writers underwent. American Revolution came as a result of a chain political and social intellectual change in government which was cooperatively referred as the; American enlightenment. During this time, the British released invasion armies together with there commanding navy to desolate the coast.Â
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Long Essay Essay Example for Free
Long Essay Essay Support, Modify, or Refute: The Monroe Doctrine ushered in a new era of US foreign policy The Monroe Doctrine was established in the early 19th century written by, of course, James Monroe. This document ushered in a new era of US foreign policy by stepping their foot down and showing the rest of the world how powerful they could be. This was when the US was slowly figuring out the power they could hold. This document stated that the US will not permit the following: Interfering with affairs in the Western Hemisphere, attempts to create new colonies in the Western Hemisphere, and the overthrowing of new colonies. These were said to be, â€Å"Dangerous to our peace and safety.†These statements clearly support how the US wanted to flex their muscles and flaunt independence. Foreign policy before the Monroe Doctrine was put into place is almost a polar opposite of foreign policy after the doctrine was put into place. Before the Monroe Doctrine, the US showed multiple examples of neutrality. For instance, on April 22nd, 1793, George Washington issued a proclamation of neutrality, which in turn declared the nation neutral in the conflict between France and Great Britain. After the Monroe Doctrine was put into place, Macon’s Bill No. 2 (passed by Madison) went into effect, which was an opposite extreme of Washington’s proclamation of neutrality. With Macon’s Bill, the US is now agreeing to trade with everyone (even France), except for Great Britain (The bill was originally passed to motivate both France and Britain to stop seizing American Vessels). This obviously causes copious amounts of tension between countries, and is yet again, a sign of strength and power coming from the US. Napoleon saw Macon’s Bill No. 2 as a great chance for him to move along his, â€Å"Continental Plan.†Now that Britain was unable to trade, this meant they were weak as a whole, but mainly their economy was in turmoil. Macon’s Bill No. 2 was the main cause of The War of 1812. This was a war between the US and Great Britain and Ireland (British ally). The war was basically a conflict because neither country could get over their ego’s, which is yet again, another example of how the US showed great strength (and a little stubbornness) in this period of time.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty :: essays papers
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty The story is about Walter Mitty, a henpecked and daydreaming urban man, who often depends on daydreaming to escape real life. As the story begins, Walter Mitty is driving his wife to town for an appointment at a beauty shop. Triggered by the wild storm, he begins to imagine himself as the commander of a Navy hydroplane. He dreams that the plane is in trouble but the members of the crew have complete faith in his ability. One member of the crew says, â€Å"The Old Man'll get us through†. Mitty is brought back from this daydream by his wife's voice, as she says, â€Å"Not so fast! You're driving too fast! What are you driving so fast for?" His second daydream is activated by his wife’s suggestion to see Dr. Renshaw and put on gloves. In the second daydream, he fancies that he is helping several famous physicians save a millionaire by fixing a complicated machine that no one in the East can fix. He even envisages that he finally acts as operator. He is pulled back into reality by the shouting of a parking-lot attendant. Annoyed by the embarrassment at the parking lot and the failure of his memory and stimulated by the shouting of a newsboy about the Waterbury trial, Mitty sets off the third daydream in which he is on trial for murder. In the trial, he accurately recalls and valiantly admits that he has killed Gregory Fitzhurst despite the efforts of his attorney to prove his innocence. He was aroused to reality by his subconscious murmuring of puppy biscuit and the laughing of a passing woman. Sitting into a big leather chair in the lobby, he starts his fourth daydream by looking at the pictures of bombing planes and of ruined streets in an old copy of Liberty.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The Hard Part of Breaking Up
Its hard to break up with someone. You never know how that person is going to act or say once you tell them why you are breaking up with him or her. There’s never a good way to break up with someone. But if there’s problems in the relationship you have to point them out if not things will never get better. There are three reasons for break ups: falling out of love with that person, cheating, or they were never happy together. One of the reasons why people choose to end their relationship is because they fell out of love with their partner.Some people say that love never dies but it fades once a person realizes what is missing in their relationship. Nobody ever wants to leave their true love but when your tired of trying to fix things or spark up the relationship and nothing seems to work then that’s when you have to let him or her go. Other people just aren’t in love with that person anymore . I hear this all the time â€Å"I love him or her but I’ m not in love with him or her†. I never really get that its either you are in love with that person or you aren’t.Another reason for break ups is cheating. Some people say the reason for cheating is that he or she isn’t taking care of my wants and needs. But when you actually realize it people cheat just to cheat they never have a reason to why they do it they love doing it. I don’t think cheating is right at all. That’s just showing people what type of person you are and should want people to see that side of you. People should always be faithful in their relationships. You shouldn’t want to cheat on your girlfriend or boyfriend.The last reason why break ups happen is because the couple was never happy together. Maybe at a point in their relationship they were happy but everything little thing is an argument. Even when they still try to go out and have a good time it always ends in an argument about stupid things. So they decide to go their separate ways and see other people but when I hear what some people go through in a relationship, I say to talk things out before actually breaking up but when they say they’re tired of it and their done there’s nothing you can really do at that point.But when your not happy together think of what made you happy at the beginning of your relationship to see if you can bring that happiness back. You never want to end a relationship especially if you have been together for years. That’s something you never want to let go but when its time you have to let him or her go. You always want to at least let that person know you still care about them.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Comparison/Contrast: Baroque and Rocco
Baroque and Rococo were two artistic movements that spanned the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries with Baroque coming first. Even though they were different period, both have stood the test of time and the works that were produced are still admired today. Baroque was the artistic movement started in Italy in sixteen hundred and was supported by the church because of the religious themes that were the focus of the works of art. However, Rococo was an elaborate style that was popular in eighteenth century France. The contributions to art made during these two periods were extremely popular in their times.The Baroque period of the seventeenth century, focused on Christian religious subjects and the dramatic happenings in their lives. The scenes were depicted in splendid and majestic ways. The nobility in Italy saw Baroque art and architecture as a way to impress others. The more religious a person was could be shown through the art work and therefore demonstrated power. The architect ure was grand with central courtyards for entertaining as well as meditation and worship. Reception rooms and grand staircases dominated the homes.The art and architecture was lavish and ornate. One particular painter that painted during the Baroque Period, but was not Italian and did not use religious themes was Diego Velazquez. His painting of The Toilet of Venus is one of the only nudes painted during this period that exist. Most were destroyed by the Spanish Inquisition, but Velazquez’s masterpiece was saved from destruction. Even though the painting can only be considered religious if one were looking at a polytheistic culture, it can still depict the natural beauty of the nude body as created by God.Rococo was like Baroque in that it was lavish and detailed. However, Rococo was not limited to religious themes. With the change in rule to Louis XV, Rococo was the new style to decorate the palaces. The interiors were ornate with the new use of the shell curve as a decorati on. In fact the curve was used in all of the paintings of the time as well as the use of delicate colors. Jean – Antoine Watteau was the perfect example of an artist who incorporated all of the styles of the French inspired artistic movement.His painting The Embarkation for Cythera is a perfect example of this style. In it the colors are so delicate that sometimes the subjects are blurred rather than to make harsh lines. The subjects are elaborately arrayed even on this journey. Both the Baroque and the Rococo artistic periods were shown in the video. Because of the depictions and examples used, it was easy to see the differences of the two movements, but also how one built on another. The information presented was understandable and informative.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Walmarts Success
Walmarts Success There are several critical factors that have lead to Wal-Mart's impressive success through the years. To unveil (at least partly) the secret of its success, we must examine Wal-Mart's cost advantage relative to a more typical discount retailer. To do this we will study table A derived blow.Exhibit A: Wal-Mart vs. Industry Economics of Discounting Comparison in 1984 (% of net sales)Line ItemsWAL-MARTIndustry AverageNet Sales100%100%License fees and Other income.811.1Cost of Goods Sold73.8071.9Payroll Expense10.1011.2Advertising Expense.352.3Rental Expense1.902.2Miscellaneous Expense6.237.6Operating Income8.505.9Net income4.202.7Firstly, as indicated in Exhibit A, the licensing fees and other income is slightly lower than that of the industry average. This is primarily due to the fact that Wal-Mart increasingly ran over two-thirds of their specialty (shoes, pharmaceuticals, and jewelry) departments themselves. As indicated in the case, this figure continued to drop in subsequent years. Secondarily, in examining the cost of goods sold (COGS) for Wal-Mart we see that, quite unexpectedly, their COGS is actually higher by nearly 2% than that of the industry beijingThis seemingly large difference can be explained by Wal-Mart's overall strategy of volume pricing vs. margin pricing.Third, we see that the payroll expense incurred by Wal-Mart is nearly 1% point less than that of the industry average. This can be explained by the fact that Wal-Mart enjoys high labor productivity that is a result of technical investment made at each store location. Wal-Mart's high revenue also reduces payroll expense as a percentage of revenue.Additionally, advertising expense is considerably lower than that of the industry average. We know that in 1979 $3.7 million were spent on television advertising and this figure represented 29% of Wal-Mart's total advertising expense. From this we can calculate that the total actual advertising expense for 1979 was...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Overview of O. Henrys Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen
Overview of O. Henry's 'Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen' Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen by O. Henry is a short story that appears in his 1907 collection, The Trimmed Lamp. The story, which features another classic O. Henry twist at the end, raises questions about the importance of tradition, particularly in a relatively new country like the United States. Plot An indigent character named Stuffy Pete waits on a bench in Union Square in New York City, just as he has on every Thanksgiving Day for the past nine years. He has just come from an unexpected feast provided for him by two old ladies as an act of charity and he has eaten to the point of feeling sick. But every year on Thanksgiving, a character named the Old Gentleman always treats Stuffy Pete to a bountiful restaurant meal, so even though Stuffy Pete has already eaten, he feels obligated to meet the Old Gentleman, as usual, and uphold the tradition. After the meal, Stuffy Pete thanks the Old Gentleman and the two of them walk in opposite directions. Then Stuffy Pete turns the corner, collapses to the sidewalk, and has to be taken to the hospital. Shortly after, the Old Gentleman is also brought to the hospital, suffering from a case of almost starvation because he hasnt eaten in three days. Tradition and National Identity The Old Gentleman seems self-consciously obsessed with establishing and preserving a Thanksgiving tradition. The narrator points out that feeding Stuffy Pete once a year is a thing that the Old Gentleman was trying to make a tradition of. The man considers himself a pioneer in American tradition, and every year he offers the same overly formal speech to Stuffy Pete: I am glad to perceive that the vicissitudes of another year have spared you to move in health about the beautiful world. For that blessing along this day of thanksgiving is well proclaimed to each of us. If you will come with me, my man, I will provide you with a dinner that should make your physical being accord with the mental. With this speech, the tradition becomes almost ceremonial. The purpose of the speech seems less to converse with Stuffy than to perform a ritual and, through elevated language, to give that ritual some kind of authority. The narrator links this desire for tradition with national pride. He portrays the United States as a country self-conscious about its own youth and striving to keep pace with England. In his usual style, O. Henry presents all of this with a touch of humor. Of the Old Gentlemans speech, he writes hyperbolically: The words themselves formed almost an Institution. Nothing could be compared with them except the Declaration of Independence. And in reference to the longevity of the Old Gentlemans gesture, he writes, But this is a young country, and nine years is not so bad. The comedy arises from the mismatch between the characters desire for tradition and their ability to establish it. Selfish Charity? In many ways, the story appears critical of its characters and their ambitions. For example, the narrator refers to the yearly hunger which, as the philanthropists seem to think, afflicts the poor at such extended intervals. That is, rather than commending the Old Gentleman and the two old ladies for their generosity in feeding Stuffy Pete, the narrator mocks them for making grand annual gestures but then, presumably, ignoring Stuffy Pete and others like him throughout the year. Admittedly, the Old Gentleman seems much more concerned with creating a tradition (an Institution) than with actually helping Stuffy. He deeply regrets not having a son who could maintain the tradition in future years with some subsequent Stuffy. So, he is essentially fostering a tradition that requires someone to be impoverished and hungry. It could be argued that a more beneficial tradition would be aimed at wiping out hunger altogether. And of course, the Old Gentleman seems much more concerned about inspiring thankfulness in others than about being thankful himself. The same might be said of the two old ladies who feed Stuffy his first meal of the day. Exclusively American Though the story doesnt shy away from pointing out the humor in the characters aspirations and predicaments, its overall attitude toward the characters seems largely affectionate. O. Henry takes a similar position in The Gift of the Magi, in which he seems to laugh good-naturedly at the characters mistakes, but not to judge them. After all, its hard to fault people for charitable impulses, even they come only once a year. And the way the characters all work so hard to establish a tradition is charming. Stuffys gastronomic suffering, in particular, suggests (however comically) a dedication to the greater national good than to his own well-being. Establishing a tradition is important to him, too. Throughout the story, the narrator makes several jokes about the self-centeredness of New York City. According to the story, Thanksgiving is the only time that New Yorkers make an effort to consider the rest of the country because it is the one day that is purely American [†¦] a day of celebration, exclusively American. Perhaps whats so American about it is that the characters remain so optimistic and undaunted as they bumble their way toward traditions for their still-young country.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
In the light of the modern case law on review on the grounds of error Essay
In the light of the modern case law on review on the grounds of error of law and error of fact, is it still possible to say that - Essay Example In light of modern case law on review on the grounds of error of law and error of fact, to say that judicial review is concerned with the legality and not the merits of a decision remains to be seen in how they determine such cases. A critical analysis reveals that error of law and error of facts are indeed only errors inasmuch as the rules of natural justice apply during decision-making. Even so, sometimes a decision maker may not adhere to legal requirement that makes it mandatory for them to comply with the statutory procedure such as wrongfully admitting evidence in the absence of evidence. There have been concerns and various interpretation as to what happens in such a failure, whether it is reviewable as an error of the law2. It is vital to note that failure has the probability of being an error of the law or just a ground for review. For any possible review, the admissibility for a review is only that the ground is an error of the law and an applicant fit into that ground or t here is a failure. On the grounds of consideration of certiorari, a prerogative writ overturns a defective decision. As such, it is usually up to a plaintiff seeking certiorari to show that a legal defect in making the decision in question is indeed an error of the law. Taking into consideration judicial authority, there are a number of cases that hold in their specific circumstances that a failure by a decision maker to comply with judicial requirement is an error of the law. For instance, it is an error of the law if a tribunal remitted a matter being determined to an office, which had been abolished as was in the case Commonwealth v Angel3. Besides, a failure to give reasons in beach of a statutory obligation is an error of the law as demonstrated in Dornan v Riodan4. Likewise, the same applies when a judge fails to give proper reasons for a decision in breach of the common obligation law to do so as was seen in the case Commissioner for Railways v Peter5. Error of facts on the o ther hand may be seen to have a close relationship with error of law. It appears then that there is always a need to engage in fresh analysis whenever there is a need to distinguish between law and facts, and consequently between error of .aw and error of fact. One should observe that the fundamental part to this analysis between error of fact and error of law is anchored on the fundamentals of the law, which are achieved through interpretation of the law, establishing facts, applying the law, and analysis of their compliance with legal procedure. In layman’s language, an error is committed when something is not done in the way it should be done. Therefore, it is determining of an error using law that creates an error of law. The relationship with error of facts errors of fact are always judicially admissible as errors of law. Even though, errors of fact have two claims. The first one is that wrong findings of material facts impede the very purpose of the law by preventing th e law from applying to material facts when it should. The law fails to apply to material facts in the sense that the real facts do not come before the law for consideration. On the other hand, the law may also fail by failing to apply wen it should indeed apply6. To understand better the error of facts, a
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Religion and Faith in Literature Research Paper - 1
Religion and Faith in Literature - Research Paper Example Telling lies has become such a common practice today that sometimes people don’t even realize that they are deceiving their closed ones. People even lie to their parents and children, without even feeling the guilt, as an everyday act. Ericsson in his work â€Å"The Way We Lie†has classified the art of lying into various facets, such as a white lie, deflecting, omission, groupthink and etc. The culture and religion, that an individual belongs to, play a significant role in determining the code of ethics in the life of that person. Precisely speaking there is no culture or religion on earth that accentuates the telling of lies. In the Holy Bible alone, one can come across several stories where subjects lied not only to people but to God too by disobeying His commandments and paid the price. The stories and the incidents mentioned and discussed in the Bible forms the basis of religion in Christianity. These stories help us understand how it is to be a person that is loved by God and that loves God and what are the commandments of God that one has to follow during the course of life. The story about Adam and Eve in Genesis 3, for example, teaches us a great lesson regarding how one should obey the commandments of God and that what could happen if God becomes angry in case one commits some act that is disliked by God. Similarly all the stories mentioned in the Holy Bible a re basically aimed at defining the way how life should be lived in accordance with the will of God. Every story has morale and a message, sometimes explicit and sometimes hidden. It depends upon the reader what he gets out of it. Similar is the case with Rehoboam and Jeroboam story. Rehoboam and Jeroboam are the two men that were chosen by God to rule over Israel after Solomon and David. Rehoboam was the son of Solomon and grandson of David. Solomon was the king of the nation and Rehoboam was the natural heir to the throne. One day God sent messenger Ahijah
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Pitfalls Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Pitfalls - Essay Example This primarily happens due to the selection of wrong statistical methods or wrong size of survey population or both. It is highly expensive to select a large survey population and conduct interviews/form fill-ups extensively. So samples are smaller than the target population. However, sophisticated methods like purposive sampling may help, but still it is important to accommodate as many respondents as possible in a given survey population. 2. Making conclusions from non random samples too can prove to be a dangerous tendency. Samples must me random. Suppose, a woolen garment manufacturer conducts a survey only in the colder countries of northern Europe. In this way, they will calculate high demands existing in the global market, if they don’t randomize. In order to randomize, they will have to interview customers in temperate regions (e.g. southern Europe) and arid regions (e.g. Sub Saharan Africa). Then only a realistic view of market demand for woolen garments can be obtained. Hence, randomization is necessary to prevent biasing, especially in the case we need globally applicable inferences. 3. Attaching importance to rare observations is a clever strategy but risky practice. If rare observations are given as much importance as random observations, general behavior of the majority of the target population may be interpreted wrongly. It is a far better idea to mark rare observations as exceptions so that they can be studied separately by the means of statistical segregation in a more controlled business environment. 4. Using poor survey methods is the worse mistake. Survey methods are crucial. For example, when research involves exploration of natural resources, data has to be collected with the help of researchers who have trekking/exploration/fieldwork expertise. In the case of intellectual property research, we would need researchers who can research on databases and patent archives. That will involve extensive Internet/library research expertise. In
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Virgin And The Gypsy, D.H. Lawrence
The Virgin And The Gypsy, D.H. Lawrence The novel The Virgin and the Gypsy was found in France after David Herbert Lawrences death in 1930. Immediately recognized as a masterpiece in which Lawrence had distilled and purified his ideas about sexuality and morality, The Virgin and the Gypsy has become a classic and is one of Lawrences most electrifying short novels. It has been published as it was found, which was probably incomplete. The story has some rough edges that undoubtedly would have been smoothed with more rewriting. The book raises interesting questions about what love, proper behavior, and life are all about. In this book, Lawrence is in usual top form in describing the longing of a young girl, a virgin, for the slightly unconventional. Her vision of her future being a stayed and commonplace marriage to one of the local boys of character and money, she longs for something else before that fate befalls her. She does find that love, very much by accident. She comes across a Gypsy and she falls deeply and viscerally in love with him. Yet, she is coy and she is proper about it. Although she badly wishes to be with him, she understands the potential scandal of such a union. Her father being one that is a non-believer, despite his position as the rector; she sees his revulsion for those things of the body. The rectors wife had left him for an impoverished boy. She sought something the rector just could not provide to her. Even though she was his everything, he was not able to make her feel the love she wished deeply even to her bones. Her daughter too felt that there was more than just the future she envisioned. She felt that it was not a matter that could be ignored. It was a matter that had to be satisfied and soon. But how to do so, without being seen as a prostitute by her own family; that was the mystery and the beauty of the book. Finally, amongst a great flood and terror that is more frightful than can be imagined, she finds herself with the Gypsy in her own bedroom, safe from the outside world of people because of the isolation and protection afforded by an unanticipated flood. Here she makes the passionate love to him that she had heretofore only dreamed about. Here she becomes a woman, and becomes a lover at the same time. As always, Lawrence fills the text with serious metaphor and memory. He uses symbolism, systematically revealing the undercurrents of his characters huge love and anticipation with thinly veiled double entendres and images. This book is specifically recommended for Lawrence readers, but in addition, the book is highly recommended to those seeking love and those fulfilled in love. The gypsy represents her free-born will, which separates her from the rest of the Saywells. He is an outsider, on an old, old war-path against such as herself . . . Yes, if she belonged to any side, and to any clan, it was to his. Under the influence of the absent mother, an adulterous couple she encounters, and the defiant gypsy who endures in opposition, Yvette is forced into a confrontation with her sneering father-a confrontation that brings out his hidden evil and self-righteousness. Both The Virgin and the Gypsy and That Evening Sun deal with characters who are social outsiders living under social restrictions. The Virgin and the Gypsy is a picture of the social climate in England. Characters like Cynthia, the Eastwoods and the gipsies are affected by social snobbery. That Evening Sun is the portrayal of Nancy, a black woman, who struggles against racism. The outsiders from these selections are physically, emotionally, and socially isolated. Social isolation affects the characters in The Virgin and the Gypsy and That Evening Sun. Nancy experiences social rejection from both society and from the family she works for. She is discriminated for being black and is shown no respect in society. There is also the factor of generational prejudice in the family Nancy works for. The mother is passing on their racial prejudice to their children who will carry on a racist attitude forever. The children uses phrases like scairder than niggers(199) as an insult conveying their disrespect of the black culture. The gipsies are isolated from society because they are different. They lead a different lifestyle and act as individuals. Society describes gipsies as pagan pariahs(36), non-Christians and outcasts. Restrictions are placed on people like the gipsies that create a social scale and rank people accordingly. This novel is very intriguing and teaches lessons of morality, religion, and of life and death intended for those with imagination and insight. The authors style contributes deeply to the intrigue and true meaning to this novel. The authors use of imagery makes tensions in the story vivid and emphatic. In this story there is a re-occurring tension between religion and desire. The tension between religion and desire is most clearly demonstrated between the characters of Yvette and the rector. Yvette was brought up in a world of religious conventions and beliefs, an environment of forgiveness, love, and morality. This world is later realized to truly be a world of repression towards all feelings of passion and desire; not the environment of forgiveness, love, and morality Yvette and the readers are lead to believe. This starts the conflict between religion and desire, and confuses Yvette greatly because her religious upbringing denies and contradicts all her natural instincts of love, passion, and sexuality. The rector and Yvette do not share the same understanding of love. They are both very different in their thoughts and ex pressions, of what love is. The narrator in the story tells us what the rector thinks of Cynthia, his lost wife. He describes her as the pure white snow-flower (p.6) and expresses that her husband thought of her on inaccessible heightsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦that she was throned in lone splendor aloft their lives, never to be touched (p.7) This would have the reader believe that Cynthia is considered in the rectors eyes to be like god not bodily in his life. At another point in the novel the narrator informs the reader that the rector believes Cynthia to be sacred and that she was enshrined in his heart, as if she were a religious idol, never simply expressing any love or desire for his lost wife. Its like the rector has moral religious love for his lost wife, and not passion or desire, like
Friday, October 25, 2019
Characteristics of Becker in the Film M :: Films Movies M Becker Essays
Characteristics of Becker in the Film M The character of Becker in the film "M" had many childlike qualities, which drew in his victims. These qualities that Becker possessed, he exploited to his own gain. The children immediately gave him their trust because of his ability to relate to them, and he knew that. But I really don't think this was really an alter ego, because he seemed to have these traits all the time. Inside he was really a sick man, to kill there has to be something wrong with him, epically to kill small children, and furthermore little girls. Becker knew how to dram them in. He bought them balloons, and whistled. He bought them fruit, and candy, and openly ate on the street with them. Something that was, "against the norm", for grownups to do. He chatted them up, and they even felt comfortable enough to call him uncle. Becker when confronted reverted back to childhood, acting like he didn't know right from wrong. The way he explained it he was like a kid in a candy store, the girls were tempting him, and the only thing he could do was snatch them up. They preserved his youth. This isn't an uncommon thing to do. Epically with mass murders, they have to make their victims feel comfortable enough to go with them. In the case of John Wayne Gasey, he preformed as a clown and acted like a perfectly nice gentleman when luring his victims. People trusted them, especially their victims, or they never would have been killed in the first place. The element of trust and relating with the prey is apparently crucial in gathering up victims. In the case of Hiltler, he had the whole of Germany under his spell, and that is how no one questioned his tactics. He was a very forceful speaker and people trusted him, and they believed in his ideas for a utopia. If no one trusted his, the war wouldn't have been as devastating and the jews would have left Germany far before they were ever marked as pariahs. Becker had to be trusted or his ploys would have never been carried out. He had to be crafty in his manner and nice enough to keep the children calm. So nobody would suspect what his motives were.
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