Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Compare How Time Is Presented in Hour and One Other Poem
Compare how time is presented in Hour and one other Poem Both poems Hour and To His Coy Mistress present the power time has between two people. Hour is a poem about two lovers who have one hour together and explores the ideas of material possesions and a modern reinterpretation of love. Where as To His Coy Mistress is a poem where the man is trying to convince the woman to sleep with him and exploring the idea of living and enjoying your life whilst your young. Both of the poems use different types of poetic techniques to depict how time can effect the relationship of two lovers. In Hour Duffy uses a metaphor at the start of the poem to allude how love has less power than time. When Duffy announces Loves times beggar,†¦show more content†¦Both poets use different structures to depict their love for one another. In Hour Duffy uses four stanzas that describe how precious and luxurious that one hour is to the couple.Throughout the poem Duffy uses enjambment to create a smooth feeling of the hour that the couple is sharing. When Duffy declares no jewel hold a candle to the cuckoo spit/hungfrom the blade of grass at your ear this alludes the enjambment but also Duffy is trying to say that even jewels arent as beautiful as the place they are in suggesting societys modern reinterpretation of love. Whereas To His Coy Mistress has three longer stanzas inituating a well developed argument to declare all the reasons why the mistress should gi ve herself to the man. Marvell does not use enjambment like Hour however does use conjunctions to develop its argument At the start of stanza two Marvell announces But at my back I always hear/Times winged chariot hurrying near he starts the stanza with the conjuction But which shows the conjuction. Also Marvell personifies time as a robber taking time away from the two lovers and starts to present a slightly bleack image of the time they have to spend together. In conclusion I think that both poems relate well to eacother and give the readers also something to relate to. For instintance in Hour audiences can relate because time has maybe taken away their partner or how much time they spend with eathother and ToShow MoreRelatedCompare How Feelings Towards Another Person Are Presented in ‘Hour’ and ‘to His Coy Mistress1505 Words  | 7 PagesCompare how feelings towards another person are presented in ‘Hour’ and ‘To His Coy Mistress. †¨36 marks While ‘hour’ presents feelings of more romantic love, ‘To his coy mistress’, presents the idea of a more physical love. But both poems are based upon many of the same ideas, but are shown in different ways. For example the ideas of Nature, sense of greed, sense of time moving too quickly and a sense realistic love. 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